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Is there any additional charges I need to pay in addition to listed price?

No, we do not charge any additional fee or fuel additional fee. Listed price is the price you will pay. Tax included.

Do I print a receipt to show the tour guide?

We understand that it can not be a printer with you while traveling, so you don’t need to have a printed copy. However, we want to show you the Order Number sent by email immediately after you have made your match ID and reservation.

How much is the cost of making a private tour?

Please contact us to get the latest information about the travel you want.

What to wear?

Wear what is comfortable. It is recommended to wear a sturdy double old patika shoes, boots or sneakers. It is preferable to dress in layers and absorb teri, wear clothes that will keep you dry and comfortable.

What do I need to bring?

Don’t forget that it’s not too much, all of our trips are included. We recommend you bring a daily backpack to move clothes and extra snacks and water suitable for season.

What is your return and cancellation policy?

You must pay full refund by calling 72 hours before your planned tour. You will pay a fee of $35 in 72 hours. There is no refund if you decide to cancel or arrive at 24 hours from your tour.

Do I need to book a reservation?

Yes. Reservation is necessary for guaranteed locations in all tours. Reservations help us identify the number of guides that we need to ensure that our groups are manageable and enjoyable, and allow us to notify you of changes made in the tour due to anything that may break weather conditions or tours.

Can we walk despite rainy and windy weather?

We walk in rain, snow, wind and other weather conditions where nature decides to launch us. After all, we go to adventures! If the air is not safe for any reason, the trip will be replaced or delayed. If there are changes from the air, you will be informed about the week your trip is.
